Tuesday, August 20, 2013

PMA invites applicants to join Class 2018

By Nora L. Molde

BUTUAN CITY, Aug. 20 (PIA) – The Philippine Military Academy (PMA) through Maj Michael P Colanta PA, officer-in-charge Butuan Team PMA Entrance Exam invites interested applicants to take the PMA entrance examination on August 25.

According to Maj Colanta, the PMA entrance exam will be conducted in 37 examination centers all throughout the country.

This year, interested applicants must comply with the following qualifications: minimum height of 5 inches for both male and female (from 5’4 for male and 5’2 for female); natural-born Filipino citizen; physically ft and of good moral character; single and has never been married; at least high school graduate; no administrative/criminal case; must pass the PMA entrance exam; and should have been born from April 1, 1992 to April 1, 1997.

Maj Colanta also said that the lowering from the height requirement is expected to bring about increase in the number of applicants. The changes in the minimum height requirement came about when it was observed during the conduct of the Limited Physical Examination (LPE) in different exam centers, that many are denied the chance to go through the first phase of the selection process, solely for the reason of not meeting the height requirement, he added.

Also, Maj Colanta said with the previous height requirement many Filipino youth who have good education background and are physically fit are disenfranchised from the opportunity of being able to take the entrance examination.

Maj Colanta further said, that with the adjustment made in the height requirement, PMA will be increasing the pool where the best candidate for PMA cadetship will be selected.

Being a PMA cadet gives an individual a noble privilege in serving the country. One is able to avail of a free college education with a well-rounded curriculum, as well as, receive monthly pay and allowances. After graduating from the Academy, one is guaranteed a progressive career as an officer in the Army, Navy or Air Force.

Successful applicants will compose the PMA Class 2018 who will be officially received in the Academy in an Oath-Taking Ceremony and Reception Rites on April 1, 2014.

Application forms an be downloaded from www.pma.ph.Applicants can also apply on-line in the said website. For more information, call (074) 447 3686, (074) 447-2634 local 6751 or 6752, (02) 913-6286, 0949 4270584, 0928 6697651, 0943 7056890, 09273810493, 0917 8964299, or write the Office of Cadet Admission, Philippine Military Academy, Fort General Gregorio H del Pilar, 2602, Baguio City. (NCLM/PIA-Caraga)